The Ocean at the End of the Lane – December Book Group

the ocean at the end of the lane cover


I’ll admit it right up front: Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite writers, a man of many talents who’s written award-winning short stories, children’s books, adult novels and graphic novels (indeed, his long graphic novel, The Sandman, has won numerous awards and basically changed the face of graphic novels for adults).  He can be funny, creepy, erudite, but he is always a great read.

So I’m pleased to announce that Neil Gaiman’s book, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, will be the selection for the Field Notes Book Group for December, 2015.  The group will meet to discuss this book (and have donuts and coffee) on December 12 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Gallery at the library.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a short book (always a plus when you’re doing something in the holiday season), but a powerful one, mythic and enthralling.  The unnamed narrator, returning to his childhood home for a funeral, reminisces about an incredible experience he had when he was seven years old and living in that house, when he met Lettie Hempstead, a seeming 11 year old girl who claimed to have been 11 years old for a very long time, her mother and her grandmother, none of whom is what she seems.  On a strange trip with Lettie, he inadvertently let an evil from another dimension enter our world, an evil that turns horrifyingly personal as it takes up residence in his house and takes over his own father.  It is up to him and the three strange women to protect the world from this nightmare, at a considerable cost.

The book is available at the front desk of the library, so come and check out a copy and then prepare to join us in a lively discussion (with snacks!) on December 12.

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